
All posts for the month February, 2015

Innovation 14 (a.k.a Temperance)

Published February 11, 2015 by michelleembree

Innovation 14/Book of Keys/Michelle Embreee

Key: Technology

At this point, a new perspective is brought to bear on both past and future. The transformation of the Gateway 13 (death) creates a vantage point. A larger perspective, beyond the third dimension.

This vantage integrates the corporeal human size with the magnitude of both limit and responsibility.

Great power is born now through scale and attention.

The new technology, the integrated perspective, is brought to bear on the capacity for vision and range. How far do you see? How accurate is your sight?

This trump means you now see a farther range than you had. Maybe only yesterday. You can change very rapidly now. Yourself and your experience most vividly can change quite quickly now.

You see farther and the goal is clearer and more simple and more potent than it was before. You are focused on something that will be accomplished in a meaningful and relevant way. There are hassles and the inevitably boring, lonely miles of simple perseverance required to accomplish anything. and you move toward it all with confidence, with calm and with acceptance for what must get done.

Innovation is often both catastrophic and quiet. It rolls in on a simple winter chill and snuggles in until it’s warm again. Innovation is quiet and it rolls up on your dreams to remind you that you came here to create more and more and more. Deep innovation can be change you don’t notice, though later it will feel distinct. The innovation that comes over you is one of new technology and you are challenged with the task of using it, learning it by doing it.

This is the call of the times. And innovation is the gift of transformation.

You already died in this game. Now you are new and free to become that person you most wish to become. Nothing stops you now except the desire for simple everyday things to be different than they are. But you let that go, now, easily.

You are the innovator, the fool, the magician. You are the sky and the moon. You are the ever changing voyage of stars we call life and you are loved like change itself, like time, like fire, like wind. You are the innovator and your power is in what you do with all this everyday. You are the innovator called to the duty of your times.

The innovator makes a future possible over and over and over again, the innovator now creates the possibility of the future on and on and on.

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