The Star (17)

All posts in the The Star (17) category


Published February 9, 2016 by michelleembree

12523049_10208334444697922_4304730422911361914_n“Grace is the moment you go utterly free of your past and experience complete  thankfulness for the opportunity of every second of your life.”


The Daughter of The Firmament, Dweller Between The Waters

We are eternal beings and this is understood, perhaps, most deeply in The Star.

We may see The Star as Persephone. We may see Death (13) as the point where Persephone begins her descent into the underworld. She falls through the veils and loses all those ideas she had about how she identified herself.

We are not our job title nor are we the title that comes with being a maker. You are not a writer or a painter or a football player or a gardener. You are not your gender. You are not your marital status. You are not your religion or your lack thereof. You are not your health or wealth or even the functioning of your body.

You may lose any of these. Eventually, you will lose all of these. Who remains?

Persephone falls through the veils in the descent of Death (13) and learns her truth through the next three cards. She gains her strength as Temperance (14)  to begin her ascent back to our 3D world, and meets her choice between the lower natures and her highest self in the Devil (15), she chooses her true-self and all the facades fall in the Tower (16).

Persephone is no longer who she once believed herself to be and she returns to this world–our world–of delight and despair, of dualities and inversions, of deep pleasure and deep fear. Persephone returns as the Star (17), the great healer on and of Time.

In the Star (17) we recognize our lineage. We appear to ourselves as who and what we really are, because all we knew ourselves to be has been removed. Veil, by veil, layer, by layer, we have relinquished all false selves to the ethers and become strong and proud in the truth of ourselves.

The Star (17) is the other side of the Devil (15), she is the Morning Star as it appears in the sky–she is the devil liberated from the bondage of ego and she chooses to live in the great light. The Star (17) chooses to appear in this 3D world as her truth of spirit.

Not all who travel here will make it beyond this portion of the path, beyond this chapter of the hero’s journey. Those who do, walk forward in the humble service as healers and listeners to both the roots of trees and souls of humankind.

The Star (17) is the end of summer, the crest of a wave that crashes into the bloodstream as experience. She becomes a permanent light at this point. A guiding light known as Polaris, the North Star.

As herself, the Star becomes a fixed light that guides others from the torments and illusions of the underworld. She spans all of time as we stumble through this 3D world, this dream of density that serves up great majesty and great travesty.

The Star (17) calls us to engage our own release from ego, from the weights of illusion and distraction and stone cold lies. She is a mighty gem in the care of the sky itself and she calls us each to grace by our own choices and our own willingness to become humble in our service.

Grace exists in the moment we go utterly free from our past and become struck through with the humility of the gratitude we feel for having had the opportunity of all the big mistakes we have made, of all the wrongs we have endured. Grace is the moment you go utterly free of your past and experience complete  thankfulness for the opportunity of every second of your experience. Grace is the recognition that you do not die.

You are medicine. You are foundation. You are memory and you are futurism. You are light and you go on and on and on forever.

When you hit Star level in the game you become in service to all those around you as you pursue your own fulfillment and gratification.

You move to your own ends and serve each as you do. When you hit Star level in this game you belong to the Great All and All so completely that neither sacrifice nor indulgence can exist. You move toward the moments and the objects of your desire and you serve the good of each person you meet. That is all you have come here to do and you are now liberated to do so. Your own light heals you now.

Look up at your world differently now. Look at all the personalities and games, look at all this drama and searching. Look and be in Joy. Be in Love with it. That is to see as the Star sees.

Guide yourselves home now. Guide yourselves home. You are the Star, the fixed light in the sky. Guide yourselves home now and serve those you meet on your way. That is all there is here in this dream of density and it is more than enough. So. Be. It.

Big Love and Good Luck in your game. xxo


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