
All posts for the month September, 2017

The Call (or Judgement) 20

Published September 18, 2017 by michelleembree
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Book of Keys // The Call // Artwork by Michelle Embree


You have come a very long way by this point. You have struggled through circumstances and limits of self. You come to see the different sides of yourself and hopefully you have noticed your relentless contradiction.

You have covered long and diverse territory and now comes The Call.

This voice raises you up from the worst places you have ever been. It pulls you out of the fog of your worst insistence. The Call comes from some distance though the voice is clear and rich and terribly real.

This Call comes for your talents and gifts either long known or only now emerging. The Call comes at the precisely correct moment, precisely the correct intersection. You are neither ahead nor behind. The Call comes and it wakes you in the places where you have developed within yourself. You are neither ahead nor behind though you are not yet finished.

The Call comes and you know for certain that you are the only real obstacle left.

The Call brings with it the challenge to step into your greatest strengths and talents. The Call brings with it the challenge to manage and overcome anything left within you that seeks sabotage. The Call brings with it the challenge to be present.

With The Call comes true challenge. You are now no longer focussed on the power of your rivals but the ways in which that power will be spent in action against itself.

The Call comes to announce the challenge to become fully realized and to act on that realization.

You rise now along with what you will. Every Major Arcana behind you will be represented in small ways as you proceed. You will be required to use the lessons you have learned and the tools you have gained as you pass through each again.

This is not a test. You are needed in full integrity and prowess.

GET A READING. Text: 270 331 9229. Click below to read the website. xxo


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